The items mentioned below will be available on or after April 6, 2023. To see these new features, please perform a hard refresh in your browser. Here's how to Get the Latest Version of ServiceCore.
Time Window Added to Job Detail Modal on Map
With today's release, we have added the Time Window to the Job Detail modal. If a job does not have a Time Window, the field will not be displayed.
Allow Import of Manual and Automated Tax Entities from QuickBooks Online
We have added the ability for manual and automated sales tax entities with the same name to sync to ServiceCore for customers that have QuickBooks Automated Sales Tax enabled.
Batch Billing Duplicates: We resolved an issue that resulted in batch billing duplicates when users would click more than once on the "Create & Send Invoices" button during the batch billing process.
Attachments Not Displaying When Expanding Jobs on List Views: We resolved an issue with attachments not being displayed when expanding a job on the List View. Now when expanding a job in the List View of the Schedule, you will see all attachments.