CardPointe has a number of financial reports which will be useful for your accounting team as you use more of ServiceCore. A lot of these reports are replicated in ServiceCore - however not all of them. You should always treat the data in CardPointe as the ultimate record of truth for payment data.
How to Access Reports in CardPointe
- When you log into the CardPointe website, the first screen you see is the dashboard. This screen will give you an overview of recent transactions, as well as a month 1 month graph
- Click on the button at the top, “Reporting”
- There are a number of different types of reports available:
- Transactions - Used to review individual transactions, issue refunds and make sure your books are up to date
- Gateway Batches - Batches are the daily deposits made into your bank account. Use this report to understand which transactions are part of which batch
- Funding - This has very similar information to the Gateway Batches report, but specifically lists the deposits into your bank account. This is due to transactions not depositing during the weekend. Your Monday deposit could contain up to 3 batches in them. Use this report to cross reference the deposit with the transactions processed.
- Chargeback - A chargeback is a disputed transaction, should you have any disputes they will be listed here
- Retrievals - This is when a customer does not recognize the transaction, instead of disputing it right away they request information about the transaction - such as a receipt.
- Statements - This will list all of your processing statements. This will be a monthly document which lists all of the transactions, all of the batches and all of the fees for your account for the month
- Each report you can filter data you need to review. You can adjust the dates, the size of transactions, how it was taken, what stage it is in, as well as what type of card was used.
- You can also adjust the data in the report, should you want to add or remove data points by choosing columns.