The items mentioned below will be available on or after October 19, 2023. To see these new features, please perform a hard refresh in your browser and update your mobile app to the latest version (9.3.5). Here's how to Get the Latest Version of ServiceCore.
Multi-Site Invoice Payments
In this release, users will now be able to pay specific sites/invoices contained on a multi-site invoice! Previously, any payment made to a multi-site invoice would be automatically applied to the first site/invoice on the list, whereas now, users can override that functionality and select which sites/invoices they would like to pay.
Multi-Site Invoice Emails - Batch Billing
With this release, multi-site invoice emails sent via batch billing will now contain the single multi-site invoice, instead of multiple emails with the individual invoices contained on the multi-site invoice.
Deleting Estimates
With this release, users with Admin or Owner level permissions are now able to delete Estimates. Estimates can be deleted from the Estimates table on the Accounting page and on the Estimates Details page from the dropdown menu on the Start Invoice button.
- Map Views of Rentals No Longer List Products/Serials: We resolved an issue when viewing maps of rentals, either from the rentals/map tab or a product's Inventory map, expanding the rental drop-down no longer displayed the products/serials associated to the rental.
- Batch Billing Payment Receipt had Incorrect Outstanding Balance: We have resolved an issue that occurred when batch billing is running and a recurring invoice is setup for AutoPay, the Outstanding Balance on the Payment Receipt email did not properly factor in the paid invoice's total which resulted in the Outstanding Balance appearing lower than it was.