12/07/2023 - QBD Sync Log Improvements

The items mentioned below will be available on or after December 7, 2023. To see these new features, please perform a hard refresh in your browser and update your mobile app to the latest version (9.4.10). Here's how to Get the Latest Version of ServiceCore.

QBD Sync Log Improvements

Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 3.47.05 PM.png

With this release, we've made improvements to the Quickbooks Desktop (QBD) Sync Logs! 

  • We clarified the sync failure messaging by streamlining existing columns into the Direction column. This column shows you which direction in the sync the entity failed.
  • We've also reduced the number of columns by combining existing columns into one. The new ServiceCore ID column displays the ID and is hyperlinked to the entity that failed.
  • An update was made to the verbiage related to Severity. What used to be called a "Warning" is now labeled as "Critical", this is to stress the importance of addressing the sync issue in order for the entity to sync properly.
  • Lastly, if you missed last week's release notes, we made improvements to the Message column. Now, the error messaging provides more details and a link to the knowledge base article to better help you self-serve!
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