01/11/2024 - Typeahead Search for Job Type Menu, Customer ID on Printed Credit Memos, Completion Time on Printed Service Tickets Displays Correct Time Zone, Fixes

The items mentioned below will be available on or after January 11, 2024. To see these new features, please perform a hard refresh in your browser and update your mobile app to the latest version (9.4.13). Here's how to Get the Latest Version of ServiceCore.

Typeahead Search for Job Type Menu

With this release, we made the Job Type dropdown menu into an typeahead search with infinite scroll. The previous dropdown menu was limited to 100 job types. The new typeahead will allow you to scroll through an infinite number of job types or search for your desired job type.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 2.17.44 PM.png

Customer ID on Printed Credit Memos

With this release, we added the Customer ID to printed credit memos to keep the data presented more consistent with what we display on the web form. 

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 2.19.18 PM.png

Completion Time on Printed Service Tickets Displays Correct Time Zone

With this release, we have updated the Printed Service Tickets to display the correct time zone. Previously, the completion time was always showing in UTC, regardless of where you were. 




  • Job Window Time Localized Incorrectly: We resolved an issue the Job Time Window was displaying the for the incorrect time zone when scheduling jobs that cross the start or end of daylight savings time. 
  • QB Sync Log Failed to Show List: We have resolved an issue that caused the sync logs not to show up when the count hit a size that was too large.

New Role Coming Soon!

We have exciting news! There will be a new role coming soon to ServiceCore. In addition to the Owner, Admin, Manager, Tech-Billing and Tech Roles, we will be adding an Assistant Manager! The new Assistant Manager role will sit between the Tech-Billing and Manager roles in terms of permissions (what users can/cannot do throughout the application). More to come, and keep an eye on future release announcements for this exciting addition to our current Roles!

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