The items mentioned below will be available on or after May 16, 2024. To see these new features, please perform a hard refresh in your browser and update your mobile app to the latest version (9.4.21). Here's how to Get the Latest Version of ServiceCore.
New Permissions Table + Permissions Details Modal
With this release, we're excited to debut the improved Permissions Table and Permissions Details Modal.
To view the new permissions table, either:
1. Navigate to Settings > User Management > Permissions. Here you'll see a detailed breakdown of the permissions associated to the roles within ServiceCore.
2. When creating a new or editing an existing user, click on the Permissions Details hyperlink. This will pop a modal where you can easily view all the permissions associated with the Roles in ServiceCore.
To easily compare roles side-by-side, click on the filter near the arrows at the top of the table and select/deselect which roles you'd like to compare. To navigate through the table, you can scroll (up/down and left/right), you can click your mouse on the table and drag, and lastly, you can scroll horizontally by clicking on the corresponding arrow at the top right of the table.
For ease of navigation, you're able to expand all rows, find a section of interest, and expand that section to view the permissions associated with the selected Roles.
Lastly, you might have noticed that there are three new roles in the table (Order Taker, Dispatcher, and Billing Staff). These are new roles not yet generally available in Production. We will be releasing these new roles soon, so keep an eye on future release notes and announcements!!
Tech-Billing Role
With this release, we made an update to the Tech-Billing Role. This role will now be able to view the Accounting tab within ServiceCore. There is no material change to that role's permissions, we've just made that tab available and removed the Batch Billing functionality from that page for the Tech-Billing user, as they previously did not have permissions to Batch Bill.
Assistant Manager Role Feedback
We've heard you loud and clear! With this release, we added the ability for Assistant Managers to delete recurring invoices and removed the ability for them to create new users.
Multi-Site Invoice Payment Improvements
We've made an update to the number of invoices on a multi-site invoice that can receive payment. Previously, that number was limited to 100 invoices, now it has been updated to 1,000 invoices on a Multi-Site Invoice.
CloverConnect: Ability to Delete Expired Credit Cards
We've made an update that allows users with a CloverConnect integration to delete expired credit cards from a customer's account without having to add a new credit card when another card exists on the CloverConnect profile.