The items mentioned below will be available on or after June 27, 2024. To see these new features, please perform a hard refresh in your browser and update your mobile app to the latest version (9.4.26). Here's how to Get the Latest Version of ServiceCore.
Reports Landing Page Visual Enhancements
With this release, we have updated the reports landing page for improved visuals. The list is now displayed vertically in a single column with collapsible sections. Search, copy, and edit functions for reports remain the same, but now with an enhanced look and feel!
Directions from Google Maps on iOS devices
With this release, mobile app users on iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) now have the option to select if they would like get directions from Apple Maps or Google Maps. This option now exists anywhere the "Get Directions" button is displayed in the mobile app. You are able to get directions from either provider both with cell service and in offline mode. For directions to work offline, you will need to download offline maps from your preferred mapping software.
We have also made an update to how we link Android users to Google Maps and you are now able to seamlessly get directions from Google Maps from the Get Directions button when offline.
What if I don't have have the Google Maps app downloaded? If you select "Open in Google Maps" without the Google Maps app downloaded, you will be directed to in your devices web browser. This will not load if you are offline
What if I don't have the Apple Maps app downloaded? If you select "Open in Apple Maps" without the Apple Maps app downloaded, you will be directed to the App Store to download Apple Maps. This will only be available while you have service.
What if use an Android device? Apple Maps does not exist for Android and Android users will continue to be redirected to Google Maps.
This change is only available on app versions 9.4.26 and above.
Updates to Order Taker Role
We've made some updates to the permissions for the Order Taker Role. Based on feedback, we've made the following adjustments:
Orders Takers can now:
- Delete Jobs
- Delete Recurring Invoices
- Email Invoices
Record Payment Form - "Save and..." Buttons Disabled: In this release, we fixed an issue where the "Save and..." buttons were disabled on the Record Payment form when users switched from "Record Manual Payment" to "Credit/Debit".
Assistant Managers receiving permission error when attempting to remove destinations from the schedule: With this release, we addressed an issue where users with the assistant manager role would receive an error when trying to delete a destination from the schedule. With this update, if users do not have permission to delete destinations from the schedule, they will no longer see the delete button.
End Rental - Recurring Invoice in Batch Billing Preview Deleted: We resolved an issue where the batch billing process would stall and the user is sent an email indicating that the batch failed, and the batch of invoices is not created.