If you have not assigned all of your inventory to a Yard, you can still include it in a rental. To rent units with a Yard value of Unassigned you will need to:
- Select the “Unassigned” option in the From Yard dropdown
- Find your desired product
- Add the product count from the row for “Unassigned”
- Save the Rental
- This will create a delivery job like a standard rental, but no yard will be specified you will need to use notes or other methods to communicate where the units are located
As these units do not have a Yard associated, you will need to use Job Notes or other channels to identify the originating yard for these units.
When you schedule the Pick Up job to bring these units back, you will select a Yard to bring them back to and the units will no longer have a Yard of Unassigned but the Yard associated with the Pick Up job.
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