Creating Rentals
If you are using Multi-Yard Inventory, we now require you to select which Yard(s) the Inventory will come from. Above the Inventory section in the Create Rental form, there is now a Yards dropdown. From the Yards dropdown menu, you can select the single yard that you want the Inventory for that rental to come from.
Yard Inventory Selection & Delivery Jobs
If you select a single Yard, we will create one delivery job but if you select multiple Yards then one delivery job per Yard inventory comes from will be created. This allows for you to assign the inventory coming from different jobs to different drivers and increase efficiency.
Delivering from Unassigned
If you have not assigned all of your inventory to a Yard, you can still include it in a rental. To rent units with a Yard value of Unassigned, you need to select the “Unassigned” option from the From Yard dropdown and find your desired product.
As these units do not have a Yard associated, you will need to use Job Notes or other channels to identify the originating yard for these units.
Pick Up Jobs
If you choose to create the Pick Up job from the Create Rental form, the Pick Up job(s) will return Inventory from the originating Yard. If you are selecting for Inventory to come from Multiple Yards, then multiple Pick Up jobs will be created (one per Yard).
If you do not create the Pick Up job from the Create Rental form and you wish to return inventory to multiple Yards; you will need to create one Pick Up job per Yard Inventory being returned.
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