09/26/2024 - Fixes and Coming Soon!

The items mentioned below will be available on or after September 26, 2024. To see these new features, please perform a hard refresh in your browser and update your mobile app to the latest version (9.4.29). Here's how to Get the Latest Version of ServiceCore.


Rental Form Time Window Validation Not Resetting: We resolved an issue when creating a rental and adding an end time, then deleting the time, it would still require an end time.

Coming Soon! Refund Workflow Improvements!!

Soon, you will be able to easily apply related services when creating a refund from a payment.

Refund Payment + Services.gif

Coming Soon! Multi-Site Invoice PDF Updates

Soon you'll notice updates to the Multi-Site Invoice PDFs! Just like the Invoice, Credit-Memo and Refunds PDFs, Multi-Site Invoices will have a new look and feel! We expect the updates to the Multi-Site Invoice PDF to be released on or between 9/26 and 10/3, so please keep an eye on the Release Notes announcements for updates!

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 4.09.36 PM.png

We will also be introducing a new more streamlined 'Multi-Site Invoice Summary' to compliment the more detailed Multi-Site Invoice PDF that you're used to seeing. We're targeting a mid-October release for the new Multi-Site Invoice Summary PDF.

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 4.11.10 PM.png

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