Network Tokens and CardPointe reporting

Network tokens are a new payment feature we have released which will increase security and efficiency for your payment acceptance, while also allowing you to charge new card information after a card expires. You can find out more about network tokens here.


As mentioned, Network tokens allow you to charge an expired card because the token is managed by the card networks. If a card expires and a new cards provided, the network token will charge the new information without you  needing to collect it from the customer.

This process will run automatically, instantly, when you run the transaction. It will show up on your reporting in your Fiserv (Cardpointe)  account. If you try to charge a card that has expired, it will show as two transactions:

The initial transaction will have an "R" at the beginning of the transaction ID, and the network token charge will start with a "T".

Do not worry, your customer has not been double charged - this is just how network tokens work. Network tokens do not update the card information in our system -  but it will charge the most up to date card information.

If you use Cardpointe reporting for your reconciliation, this will effect your transaction reports. In order to remove these network token transactions from your reporting (so you don't double report a transaction). In order to do that, you just need to filter the "front end" to only API transactions. API transactions are all transactions that came through our integration, and will not include the network token updates.


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