Every Platform Release from 2024!

We've collected all the release notes from 2024 and compiled them into this one-stop-shop! You'll see each update listed under the category it's associated with, which is either a specific area of ServiceCore, or a specific feature/function of ServiceCore.

Clicking on the name of a release will take you to a different article where you'll learn more about its functionality in ServiceCore.

Please Note: Some updates were released at the same time, so some of the links will take you to the same article because they're listed and described together.

Before You Start

  • Depending on your ServiceCore permissions you may not be able to access some of these listed features.
  • If you aren't on our Pro Plan, you won't have access to Pro Plan features.
  • If you need to report a bug with one of these releases, please let our Support team know about it by using the orange chat button in the bottom right corner.
  • The categories are listed alphabetically to help you find them faster!
  • The releases in each category are listed in the order they were built. 


Customer ID on Printed Credit Memos

QuickBooks Online Sync Log Enhancements

Transaction Details Page Enhancements

Record Payment Page Enhancements

Manage Mini-Aging Report on Statements - The mini-aging report can be added or removed from appearing on statements.

Update to Voiding Payments After Refunding - If the refund equals the payment amount, a new button to Save and Void Payment will appear.

Add Associated Services to Refunds - When refunding a payment, any associated services can be added to the refund.

Statement PDF Visual Enhancements - Style and layout of Statements were updated to match other transaction PDFs (invoice, rental, etc...).

Credit Memo Tax Codes - When issuing a credit memo the site's default tax code will be included.

Update to Refund PDF - The Refund PDF displays the refund method along with the original payment method.

Tax Number on Receipts - Your company's Tax ID will display in the return address section on Receipt PDFs.

Refund Workflow Improvements - You'll be alerted to when a payment is still processing and unable to be refunded before going through the refund workflow.

ACH Payments

**ACH Payments is an add-on feature that was launched in July 2024.

ACH Payment Option Added to Customers' Payment Page - Your customers are able to choose ACH as their payment method when paying an invoice online.

Auto-Pay Includes ACH Payment Option - A bank account can be set as a customer's default auto-pay method.


Auto-Copy Customer Name from Search - If you search a name that isn't associated with an existing customer, you can click 'Add Customer' and the name you just searched for will automatically be added to the Add New Customer page.

KPIs in Customer Details Page Visual Enhancement

Default Payment Badge - On a customer's details page a badge will display indicating whether a credit card or bank account (ACH) is that customer's default payment method for auto-pay.

Add Bank Account From Customer Details Page - A new bank account can be added and managed directly from a customer's details page without having to record a payment first.

Create Rental from Customers Page - A new rental can be created for a customer from the main Customers list.

Create Job and Create Rental from Site Details Page

Default Satellite View on Sites - When adding a new Site, the map view defaults to satellite view. 

Auto-Populate Lat/Long on Sites - When adding a new Site, the latitude and longitude auto-populate after the address is entered.

Clear Coordinates Button on Sites - When adding a new Site, the suto-populated latitude and longitude can easily be cleared with the click of a button.

Create Rental or Job From Site Search Results

Customer Portal

**The Customer Portal is a Pro Plan feature that was launched in April 2024.

Site Selection Enhancement - When your customers choose a site, they'll see the corresponding site address displayed underneath the site name.

Streamlined Job/Rental Access for Completed Portal Requests - Completed portal requests include a direct link to the corresponding job or rental.

Powered by ServiceCore Displayed on Customer Portal Emails - All emails sent to your customers from their customer portal display a 'Powered By ServiceCore' icon at the bottom.

Site Contacts Given Access to Customer Portal - Site Contacts can be given access to their associated customer portal and can submit service requests.

Text Messaging Enabled for Site Contacts - Site contacts can have text messaging toggled on or off from their customer portal.

User Access Restrictions - Customer portal contacts cannot remove their own portal access nor can they delete their own contact information.

Site Address Displayed in Portal Requests - Portal requests display the associated site's address.

Customer Portal Updates

Setting for Products and Services Displayed in Customer Portal - Products and services can be deactivated from displaying in your customers' portals from your account Settings.

Updated "What Are You Paying Today" Section - This section of the Customer Portal is ordered by Select Single-Site Invoices, Select Multi-Site Invoices, and then Custom Amount.

Improved Multi-Site Invoice Selection Options - Your customers can select all transactions and their child invoices displayed on the page, up to 200 total invoices.


Add Customers and Sites from Estimates

Add Surcharges to Estimates

Create Job or Rental from Estimates


Clerk Initials Appear on Recurring Invoices

Create Invoice and Edit Invoice Workflow Enhancements

Default Credit Card for Recurring Invoices - A customer's saved credit card can be set as the default payment method for their auto-pay.

Default Bank Account (ACH) for Recurring Invoices - A customer's saved bank account (ACH) can be set as the default payment method for their auto-pay.

Copy Classes to All Transactions - A copy button can be used to apply the same class to all transactions in an invoice.

Visual Update to Invoice, Credit Memos, Refunds, and Estimates PDF - PDFs were redesigned to look more modern and streamlined.

Visual Update to Invoice PDF #2 - White space in invoice PDFs was reduced as much as possible.

Refunds Display on Invoices

New View Recurring Invoice Page

Update to Save New Credit Card or Bank Account (ACH) for a Customer's Recurring Invoice - A more streamlined way for Billing Managers to automatically apply new credit cards or bank accounts (ACH) to auto-pay for recurring invoices.

Select 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st on Recurring Invoices

Company Default Tax - If a tax rate is set as your default in Company Settings, it will be flagged as such when added as a line item. 

Include Unapplied Payments/Credits on Customer Statements

Mobile App

Route Summary on Home Page - Icons appear at the top of the mobile app's Home Page to indicate a summary of the driver's route.

Customer Name on Jobs - Your customer's name displays on their associated job cards when a driver views it from the Home Page.

Directions from Google Maps on iOS Devices - iPhone/iPad users can select either Apple Maps or Google Maps (recommended) when getting directions to a job.

Additional Route KPIs - Drivers will see the number of stops they have, their total drive time, and number of miles for their daily routes.

Offline Token Validation - If a driver was logged into the app within the previous 24 hours before losing network connection, they can reopen and "log into" the app without issue.

Offline Mode Toggle - Drivers should use Offline Mode in areas of low or no service instead of putting their device in Airplane Mode and they can continue to work in the app as they normally would with normal service. 

Home Page Revamp - Mobile app's home page got a facelift!

Home Page Updates - Emergency Job icon, unit count icon, and Customer Names appear on job cards.

Home Page Update - Notes icon and attachments icon appear on job cards, plus job details that have GPS coordinates have 'Get Directions' button.

Miscellaneous Releases

Typeahead Search for Job Types - When creating a job, the Select Job Type field allows you to type the job type name and scroll through an unlimited number of matching results.

Improved User Alerts

Emoji Enhancements

Legal Name in Company Settings - New, optional field under Company settings.

Visual Update to User Management List

Site Name Displays on Rental Details Page

Automatic Credit Card Type Detection - When customers pay an invoice online, the page will automatically detect what type of credit card they have as they input their details.

Visual Updates to Dashboard - The dashboard was redesigned to provide a cleaner and more intuitive experience.

Dashboard Income Chart Enhancements

ServiceCore Learning Hub - A quick access link is in the main menu.

Official Launch of New Dashboard - We have officially retired the original dashboards and replaced it with the newer design and experience.

Enhanced Stability for Bulk Exports to QBO

Multi-Site Invoices

Billing Group Email Addresses - Email addresses are able to be added to Billing Groups were multi-site invoices can be sent via batch billing.

Email Status for Multi-Site Invoices - When a multi-site invoice is emailed, each individual invoice will be updated as sent (emailed).

Update to Batch Billing Message - The 'Generating Invoice Preview' message states that the invoices are generating and to not click on Create Invoice again until the process is complete.

Batch Billing Enhancements

Increased Limit on Multi-Site Invoices - The maximum number of invoices that can be paid is 1,000.

Ability to Remove Individual Invoices from Multi-Site Invoice

View Billing Group on Multi-Site Invoice - Billing Groups will appear on the Multi-Site Invoices they're associated with.

Hide Invoice Numbers on Printed Multi-Site Invoices - If using Billing Groups, you'll have the choice to print a multi-site invoice with all invoice numbers or just the multi-site invoice number.

Hide Invoice Numbers on Multi-Site Invoice PDFs - If using Billing Groups, you'll have the choice to send a multi-site invoice PDF with all invoice numbers or just the multi-site invoice number.

Line Item Description on Multi-Site Invoice PDFs

Generate Multi-Site Invoices From Customers Page

Batch Billing Improvements

Display Prorated Unit Amounts - Batch billing will display the prorated unit amounts in the line item description.

Remove All Flagged Invoices - A "Remove Flagged Invoices" button is available for use at the bottom of a batch of invoices.

Multi-Yard Inventory

**Multi-Yard Inventory is a feature that was launched in June 2024.

Update to Transferring Inventory -  Only one yard is able to be selected in order to speed up transfer workflows.

Updates to Multi-Yard Inventory - Home Yards were removed to streamline workflows.

Disable Mulit-Yard Inventory - Once you've enabled Multi-Yard Inventory in your account you won't be able to disable it without contacting Support.

Pro Messaging

**Pro Messaging is a Pro Plan feature that was launched in April 2024.

Messaging Defaulted to On - All customer contacts and site contacts have Messaging turned on by default.

Pro Reports

**Pro Reports is a Pro Plan feature that was launched in April 2024.

Group Reports by Function - Reports page was restructured to display reports based on user roles.

Reports Access by User Permissions - The accessibility of certain reports are based on user roles.

Reports Visual Enhancement - Reports page was redesigned for better usability. 


Local Time Zone Displays on Service Tickets

New Filter for Drivers with No Jobs - Drivers with no jobs can be removed from the Schedule.

Schedule Filters Persist Across Sessions - You don't have to reapply filters when leaving and returning to the Schedule page.

Update to Action Buttons on Jobs in Schedule - The action buttons on a job pill in the Schedule reflect the user's permissions.

Updates to Route KPIs - Total number of stops and number of exchange jobs appear on Day and List view of the Schedule.

New View Options Menu - New menu to house Show Destinations and Hide Drivers with No Jobs toggles.

Sticky Driver Name - Drivers names stay at the top of the schedule when scrolling down.

Number of Units Displayed on Job Pill

Update to View Options Menu - Show Completed Jobs toggle moved to View Options menu.

Lasso Tool/Bulk Reassign 2.0

Visual Update to Day of Week - Calendar icon was removed and 3-letter day of week abbreviation was added.

Show Destination's Address in Schedule

Route KIPs Popover - Clicking on the KPI icons at the top of a driver's column of the Schedule will display the corresponding number number of units associated with that KPI.

Driver Notes, Site Notes, Job Completion Notes, and Attachments Icons

Update to Bulk Reassign Message - The pop-up message that appears when reassigning multiple jobs has been updated to confirm that the bulk reassignment is being processed versus already completed.

Bulk Reassign Performance Improvements - The time is takes for bulk reassigns to be completed has been decreased.

User Permissions

New Assistant Manager Role

Update to Technician Role - Technicians cannot view Customers.

Update to Assistant Manager Role - Assistant Managers can view job history and end jobs.

Void and Delete Buttons - If a role doesn't have Void or Delete permissions, they cannot see those options.

User Permissions Face-Lift

Update to Tech - Billing Role - The Tech - Billing role can see the Accounting tab.

Update to Assistant Manager Role #2 - Assistant Managers can delete recurring invoices, but not create new users.

User-Friendly Descriptions for User Permissions

New Order Taker, Dispatcher, and Billing Staff Roles

Updates to Order Taker Role - Order Takers can delete jobs and recurring invoices, and email invoices.

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