How to set up your credit card integration (Fiserv - CloverConnect)

This is a guide for US based businesses, if you are Canadian based please use this guide here.

Accepting electronic payments is a crucial part of any business, and a key feature of the ServiceCore platform. To take advantage of the efficiency and time savings involved with integrated payments, the first step is applying for a merchant account through our partner Fiserv - CloverConnect.

Before starting this process, make sure you have the following information ready:

  • Owners identifiable information (owners date of birth, social security number and home address)
        • This is used for identity verification to protect the owner and makes sure this is a legitimate application
  • All business information (including Tax ID)
  • All business banking information

Once you have the information ready, next steps are:

  1. After logging in, navigate to the settings portion of your account in the drop down menu under your business namesc settings.gif
  2. Click on accounting, then payment processing on the menu bars in the middle of the screen and then get started just belowsc getting to clover app.gif
  3. After proving you are not a robot, you can start the enrollment form. The first screen is the business information screen - complete all business information including legal business name, contact information and tax ID
  4. When you get to the industry section, the form should already have "4900-Utilies" selected. Please leave this selection, this allows our integration to work the best.
  5. Next you need to complete the ownership information. This is the personal information for all owners who have over 25% ownership of the business. This is for identity verification and is a legal requirement for payment processing. Information required includes: owners date of birth and social security number
  6. Once done, click the "OK. looks great lets move on!" button. This will take you to the banking page where you will need to enter the business banking information. This bank account will be used for both deposits and withdrawal of fees.
  7. Next step is to complete the business processing information. This is so the processor can understand what volume of transactions you are looking to accept for both credit card and ACH. Please be realistic and keep the numbers in line with what your business currently does.
  8. Once done, click the button on the bottom of the screen to get to the equipment page. Since our integration is 100% online, no equipment is needed -  so you can just continue onto the last page.
  9. The final page is the terms and conditions. To complete this step, you will need to click on the arrow next to each form and scroll to the bottom of each document. Once yuo have reviewed the terms, you can complete the form by adding the owners full name and clicking the "I agree button"

Congratulations, you have completed the first step of accepting digital transactions! Most accounts will be approved within 24 hours, however some accounts will need additional documentation to verify the information provided. Your payment account executive will work with you if additional information is needed, or will inform you once you have been approved and enabled.

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