All good things must come to an end, including rentals.
In this article you'll learn how to end a rental.
Before You Start
Here are some things to know before you end a rental:
- You must have Manager, Admin or Owner level permission before ending a rental
To end a rental you will take the following steps to end or delete every part of the rental that may be outstanding, including:
- Navigate to the Rental
- End repeat service jobs that are still ongoing
- Complete, cancel, or delete "unassigned", "scheduled" and "in progress" rental jobs
- Complete a final pick-up job to signal the system that you are picking up all inventory still out on site (this is how the inventory will then become available for other rentals)
- Create a final invoice for any outstanding rental rates, service line items and job services
- Delete all recurring invoices associated with the rental
Follow the steps in each section below, in order, to end a rental.
End a Rental
Show Me How
For step-by-step, in-app help ending a rental, , follow these steps:
- Login to your ServiceCore account
- Then, click on this link: End a Rental
Tell me how
Follow the steps in each section below to end a rental.
Navigate to the Rental
The simplest way to end a rental is from the rental details page itself. Follow these steps to navigate to the rental details page:
- In the header, click Rentals
- Enter the full or partial rental number, site address, or customer name in to the Search box to narrow your list of search results
- Once you see the rental you want to end, click View Rental
End Repeat Service Jobs
If you had any repeat services jobs as part of this rental, you'll want to make sure that repeat series is ended. You don't want your driver to head out to a job site, only to discover all the units have already been picked up! To make sure all repeat service jobs have been ended, and no longer appear on the schedule, follow these steps:
- On the rental details page, go to the Jobs section
- Click Filter by above the list of jobs
- From Scheduling Type dropdown, choose Repeat
- Click Close
- You will now see all repeat jobs for this rental
- For all repeat jobs, click the down arrow next to View
- Click Scheduling from the list of options that appear
- Click End Repeat Job from the second list of options that appear
- In the popup that appears, click the calendar icon
- Then choose the end day (today or before today) from the End on date field
- Click End Repeat Job
Complete, Cancel, or Delete "Unassigned", "Scheduled" and "In Progress" Rental Jobs
Follow these steps to stop any open or in progress jobs on this rental:
- Look at the section called Jobs
- See if any jobs have a status of Unassigned, Scheduled or In Progress
- If you have a lot of jobs showing for this rental, you can refine the list of results by clicking on Filter by
- Click Status
- Choose Unassigned, Scheduled, or In Progress from the list of options that appear
- Click Close
To Complete a Job
- Locate the job you want to mark as complete
- Click the down arrow next to View
- Choose Complete Job from the list of options that appear
- Fill out the complete job form that appears
- If this is a pick-up job, select items to be picked up on this job, especially if you are picking up itemized inventory
- If any extra services were performed during this job, make sure to enter those in the Services section so you can invoice for them later
- Once you're finished, click Mark as Done
- The jobs status will then change to Done on the rental details page
To Cancel a Job
If you need to mark a job as canceled for any reason, follow these steps:
- Locate the job you want to cancel
- Click the down arrow next to View
- Click Scheduling from the list of options that appear
- Then click Cancel job from the second list of options that appear
- Fill out the cancel job form that appears
- Once you're finished, click Cancel Job
- The jobs status will then change to Canceled on the rental details page
To Delete a Job
If you need to delete a job, follow these steps:
- Locate the job you want to delete
- Click the down arrow next to View
- Click Edit from the list of options that appear
- Click Delete from the second list of options that appear
- Click Confirm Delete in the lightbox that appears
At this point, all jobs for this rental should have one of the following statuses which means the job is no longer open:
- Done
- Partial Service
- Unable to Service
- Canceled
Complete a Final Pick-Up Job
If there are inventory products still out on the job site, you will need to create and/or complete a final pick-up job. This pick-up job, once complete, will allow the inventory for this rental to be available for future rentals.
Create a Final Pick-Up Job
If you need to create the final pick-up job, follow the steps in this section. If the final pick-up job has already been created, then you can skip to the next section to complete the final pick-up job.
- Go to the Jobs section of this rental
- Click Add Job
- Choose a pick-up job type from the Select job type dropdown
- Fill our the job name (optional) and select the Day of for when this pick-up job is or was completed
- In the Inventory to pick up section, choose all remaining inventory that still needs to be picked up
- Make sure that the number you choose matches the number Available to pick up, like this:
- Fill out the rest of the form
- Once you're finished, click Save
- On the job details page, click Actions > View > View Rental to return to the rental details page
Complete the Final Pick-Up Job
- On the rental details page, locate the job you just created
- Click the down arrow next to View
- Choose Complete Job from the list of options that appear
- Fill out the complete job form that appears
- Fill out the complete job form, making sure to select items to be picked up on this job, especially if you are picking up itemized inventory
- If any extra services were performed during this job, make sure to enter those in the Services section so you can invoice for them later
- Once you're finished, click Mark as Done
- The jobs status will then change to Done on the rental details page
Now that all jobs have been ended, and all inventory picked up, you can create your final invoices for this rental.
Create a Final Invoice (or Invoices)
Now that you have ended all rental jobs, and picked up all inventory, it's time to get paid! Follow these steps to create your final invoice or invoices for this rental.
For Recurring Invoices
If this rental has recurring invoices, you will want to create a final invoice for each separate recurring invoice.
- On the rental details page, scroll to the Recurring invoices section
- Click Create Next Invoice
- Verify all pre-filled information is correct on the invoice
- Click on the sidebar arrow on the right side of your screen to open the sidebar
- Go to the Add to invoice section in the sidebar
- From the Job status dropdown, choose Open
- This should return no jobs; if it does, you will need to mark all open jobs as done before creating the final invoice
- From the Job status dropdown, now choose Done
- Note: you can add jobs to this invoice for only this rental's jobs or for any other jobs for this customer and site, by checking and unchecking Only show this rental's jobs
- If you don't see any jobs to add, that means:
- You have already invoiced all jobs for this rental;
- Or, this means that all remaining jobs for this rental have no service line items so there is nothing to invoice for these jobs
- Click Add for any jobs you want to add to this invoice
- If the job you add has attachments, you will see an Add jobs attachments popup
- Select the attachments you want to include with this invoice (optional)
- Click Confirm
- As you add jobs, they will appear in the sidebar and on the invoice
- Jobs will also appear on the invoice
- You will see any service line items for these jobs automatically have been added to the Services table with the Job Number at the beginning of the description
- Finish filling out the rest of the invoice form
- Once you're done, choose your next action from the buttons at the bottom of the screen
- Repeat the steps above for all recurring invoices for this rental
For One-Time Invoices
If this is a one-time invoice, follow these steps:
- On the rental details page, scroll to the Invoices section
- Scroll down to the Invoices section
- Click on Create One-Time Invoice
- Review the information in the upper portion of the page for accuracy
- If you want to prorate rental rates for this invoice, make sure the Start date and an End date are filled out in the Billing period section
- Any rental rates associated with this rental that fall between the start date and end date will appear in the Rental Rates section under Services with the prorated quantity calculated automatically, and the event date range and product name pre-filled in the description
- If you don't have rental rates for this rental yet, and you want to prorate rental rates for the time period you chose above, click Add Rental Rates
- In the lightbox that appears, you will see the name and quantity of products on this rental
- Click the Choose Service dropdown for the product that should have rental rates
- Choose the service you want to add as a rental rate from the list of options that appear
- After you add a service, you will see the default description, rate and billing period for this service and you can edit these if needed
- Choose a class for each rental rate, if applicable (or click Apply to all to apply the same class to all rental rates)
- Check the box for Tax if you want to charge tax on this rental rate
- If you need to remove a rental rate, click the trash can icon
- Continue adding services for all products
- Once you're finished, click Save
- To add any additional service line items from this rental's job, click the right sidebar
- Click Add for any additional jobs you want to add to this invoice
- Use the search box below the Services table to add any additional services to this invoice
- Finish filling out the rest of the form
- Once you're finished, click one of the buttons at the bottom of the form depending on what you want to do next
Delete All Recurring Invoices
Once you have created final invoices from all recurring invoices, you'll want to delete all recurring invoices so:
- Invoices for this rental are no longer sent to this customer during batch billing
- The recurring invoice amount is no longer automatically charged to your customer's credit card if the recurring invoice was AutoPay enabled
To delete recurring invoices, follow these steps:
- Return to the rental details page
- Go to the Recurring invoices section
- Click the down arrow next to Create Invoice
- Click Delete from the list of options that appear
- Click Confirm Delete
- Delete all other recurring invoices
Next Steps
After you have ended the rental, you'll want to take one more step to make sure you're getting all you're owed for this rental. Follow these steps:
- Copy the rental number so you have it handy (e.g. R123)
- Click Accounting
- Click the Rentals tab
- Type the rental number into the search box
- Click the magnifying glass icon
- You should see the list of results show "No uninvoiced rentals found" which means you have invoiced everything for this rental
- If you do see any results, click Create Invoice and then create the final invoice for this rental, making sure to add uninvoiced jobs using the sidebar