Edit Company Information

If you want to get paid on time and without delay, make sure to edit your company information to include the correct email, phone number and mailing address for your customers to reach you with questions or to send payments by postal mail.

In this article, you'll learn how to change or update the company mailing address in your ServiceCore account.

Before You Start

Here are a few things to know before you begin this process:

  • You must have Admin or Owner level permission to change or update your mailing address
  • Your mailing address can be the same as or different than your physical address.
  • Your company email, phone number, mailing address, and tax ID displays on accounting PDFs including: invoices, estimates, credit memos, payment receipts, refunds and statements. 
  • To expedite mail delivery via the USPS, it's recommended to include your full nine-digit ZIP Code (ZIP+4). To determine your full nine-digit ZIP code, use the USPS ZIP Code by Address tool.

Change or Update Your Company Information

To change or update your company information, follow these steps:

  1. In the header of ServiceCore, click on your username
  2. In the list of options that appear, click Settings

  3. Navigate to the Company tab
  4. Navigate to the Information tabmceclip0.png
  5. Click Edit Company Information

  6. Enter in Basic Information (highlighted fields are visible to customers on documents you send them like invoices, estimates, and statements.) mceclip2.png
  7. If your company's mailing address is the same as the physical address check the Same as physical address above checkbox
  8. If your company's mailing address is different than the physical address, uncheck the Same as physical address above checkbox
  9. Fill out the address fields with your mailing address
  10. Once you're finished, click Save


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