The improved rental rates will be available in ServiceCore on or after April 27, 2020.
Introducing: Improved Rental Rates
Adding rental rates just got easier! When you visit a rental details page, or view an invoice for a rental, you will see a new section called "Rental rates". This section will allow you to add, remove, and edit rental rates for your rentals.
Rental Details Page
Rental Invoices
What is changing?
Rental Rates Preview
Watch this brief video that walks through the new rental rates improvements in ServiceCore.
How do I know if I currently use rental rates?
You can check if you are currently using rental rates by editing the delivery job for any rental and scrolling down to the "Inventory to deliver" section. If you have a selection in the dropdown, then you are using "rental rates".
Do I have to use rental rates?
No, rental rates are not required for creating and billing a rental. You only use them if you would to use our automated proration on delivery and pickup for recurring billing.
Will my current rates saved on the recurring invoice template change?
No, your current rental services and rates will be transferred into the new "rental rate" view and your recurring template. If you are using our bulk billing feature it will be advised to review each invoice on the preview.
If you have any further questions or concerns on this upcoming feature please feel free to contact customer service.