6/25/2020 Release - Credit Memo Improvements and more

The following improvements will be available in ServiceCore on or after June 25, 2020. To see these new features you will need to do a hard refresh in your browser. Here's how to Get the Latest Version of ServiceCore.


When you don't want to give a customer a refund, a credit memo is a great alternative. Credit memos in ServiceCore are now even better! You will see improvements to the sections below when creating, editing and viewing credit memos and other accounting pages in ServiceCore.

Payment Details Page

If you apply a credit memo as a form of payment for an invoice, you will see the following changes:

  Previously New as of 6/25/2020
In the upper section of the page There is a line for Total Applied that includes payments made by credit memo, and a separate line for Payment amount  There will be one line for Payment Amount
Payment method If you paid with a credit memo and a Visa, the payment method could be Visa and you will see a Credit memo section If you paid with a credit memo, the payment method will be Credit memo and you will see a Credit memo section
Credit memo total There is a Total credit memo amount line below the credit memo section (because you can apply multiple credit memos at a time) There is no Total credit memo amount line below the credit memo section (because you can only apply one credit memo at a time)
Preview payment_-_old.png payment_-_new.png


Credit Memos

Credit Memo Details Page

When you're looking at a credit memo details page for an Unapplied or Partially Applied credit memo, you will see the following changes:

  Today Coming Soon
Action Buttons There is no option to apply a credit memo directly from the page There will be a button in the upper, right corner to Apply Credit Memo
Record Payment You can apply a credit memo when recording a payment When you click on Apply Credit Memo, you will be taken to the Record Payment from with the credit memo pre-selected and the payment amount pre-filled
Credit memo total There is a Total credit memo amount line below the credit memo section (because you can apply multiple credit memos at a time) There is no Total credit memo amount line below the credit memo section (because you can only apply one credit memo at a time)
Payments You cannot see what payments were made with this credit memo. You will see a new Payments section that shows which payments were made with this credit memo, and be able to View the invoices paid with this credit memo by clicking View for each payment.

Note: This will only apply to credit memos moving forward. Credit memos used as a form of payment in the past will not reflect this change.
Preview creditmemo-details-old.png Credit_Memo_Details___Actions_menu.png


Credit Memo Tabs

When you're looking at a list of credit memos, for Unapplied or Partially Applied credit memos in the following locations:

  1. Accounting > Credit Memos
  2. Customers > Accounting > Credit Memos

You will see the following changes:

  Today Coming Soon
Toggle Dropdown When you click the down arrow for a credit memo, there is no option to apply a credit memo directly from the page When you click the down arrow for a credit memo, there will be an option to Apply Credit Memo
What happens when I click on "Apply Credit Memo"? This option doesn't exist today You will be taken to the Record Payment from with the credit memo pre-selected and the payment amount pre-filled
Preview creditmemo-tab-old.png Credit_Memos___Filter_by.png



Create Invoice Form

When you are creating a new invoice or editing an existing invoice, you will see the following changes to the buttons across the bottom of the page:

  Today Coming Soon
If there are credit memos available for the customer There is no indication that a credit memo is available to be used as payment method for this invoice The second button will be green and say Apply Credit Memo
What happens when I click on "Apply Credit Memo" This feature is not available You will be taken to the Record Payment Form with the payment method of Credit Memo pre-selected and the invoice pre-selected as well
Preview create-invoice-old.png Create_Invoice__1_.png


Invoice Details Page

When you look at an invoice details page, you will see the following changes to the actions and buttons on the page:

  Today Coming Soon
If there are credit memos available for the customer There is no indication that a credit memo is available to be used as payment method for this invoice In the actions menu at the top of the page will be an Apply Credit Memo link, and at the bottom of the screen will be an Apply Credit Memo button
What if this is a paid or a partially paid invoice? In the Payments section you cannot tell if a payment includes a credit memo or not if two forms of payment were used during a single "Record Payment" transaction In the Payments section, you will know exactly what payment method was used for each payment; credit memos will be listed separately from other forms of payment (cash, check, credit card)
Preview invoice-details-old.png Invoice_Details__1_.png


Invoice Lists

When you are looking at lists of unpaid invoices in one of these locations:

  1. Accounting > Unpaid > Unpaid Tab list of invoices
  2. Accounting > Unpaid > Overdue Tab list of invoices
  3. Customers > Accounting > Unpaid > Unpaid Tab list of invoices
  4. Customers > Accounting > Unpaid > Overdue Tab list of invoices

When you click on Record Payment:

  Today Coming Soon
If there are credit memos available for the customer You will be taken to the Record Payment Form with the Apply Credit Memo section showing and no credit memos pre-selected and no payment method pre-selected You will be taken to the Record Payment Form with the payment method of Credit Memo pre-selected
If there are no credit memos available for the customer You will be taken to the Record Payment Form with no "Apply Credit Memo" section and no payment method pre-selected You will be taken to the Record Payment Form with no payment method pre-selected and the Credit Memo payment method will not be clickable



  • Export to Excel for Estimates: You will now be able to export to excel (download a .CSV file) for estimates and no longer see an error message before the download begins.
  • Repeat Job Completion Notes: The issue has been fixed where if you edited the job completion notes for a repeat job, those notes were being copied to future, unscheduled jobs in the same repeat job series. Job completion notes now only appear for the specific repeat job you are marking as done.
  • Void Invoices: You will no longer be able to edit voided invoices from Customers → Jobs tab → Expand the Job → drop-down/menu options next to View Invoice.

Coming Soon

The following additional features will be coming soon:

  • Void Credit Memos: The ability to void a credit memo 
  • Payment Receipts: The ability to email payment receipts from more pages
  • New Login Look: If you access your ServiceCore account by logging in from servicecore.com, you'll notice that the website has a new look. You will still log in using the "Log In" button in the upper right corner of servicecore.com.
  • Billing Plan Tab: Soon you will be able to see which billing plan you are subscribed to in your account Settings section, and be able to manage the credit card for your subscription from within ServiceCore.

To know when these changes are live in your account, you can always see the latest information about new features and improvements on our release announcements page. Click the Follow button on that page to receive notifications about new release announcements.

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