6/18/2020 Release - Streamlined Credit Memo Payment Process, Clerk Fields and more

The following improvements will be available in ServiceCore on or after June 18, 2020. To see these new features you will need to do a hard refresh in your browser. Here's how to Get the Latest Version of ServiceCore.


Record Payment > Credit Memos

If you have a customer with credit memos available, and you're recording a payment, you will see the following changes:

  Old New
Step #2 Step #2 is Apply Credit Memos Step #2 will be Select Payment Method
Choosing a payment method After selecting a credit memo or credit memos, you can choose a second payment method (cash, check, credit card) You will choose "Credit Memo" as your payment method type
How many credit memos can I choose? Unlimited One at a time
Are credit memos pre-selected? No, you have to click the one you want to use, even if there is only one available. Yes, if there is only one for this customer

If there is more than one, you can choose which one you want to apply
What happens when I select a credit memo? The "Amount to apply" field is not filled in automatically with the full open balance amount The "Amount to apply" field will be filled in automatically with the full open balance amount so you don't have to enter it in manually
Can I select a second payment method? Yes No
Step #3 Step #3 is Select Payment Method Step #3 is Select Invoices
What happens when I select an invoice? The "Invoice payment" field is not filled in automatically with the full open balance amount The "Invoice payment" field will be filled in automatically with the full open balance amount so you don't have to enter it in manually
Preview Record_Payment_Form_OLD.png Record_Payment_Form___Credit_Memo_Selected.png

More credit memo changes are coming. Find out here: Coming Soon: Credit Memo Improvements.

Clerk Fields on Accounting Forms

When you fill out an accounting form on ServiceCore, there is a field for "Clerk" which allows you to record the initials or name of the person filling out the form. We have added some new functionality for these forms which you will see in the following locations:

  1. Create Recurring Invoice (and when editing a recurring invoice)
  2. Create Estimate (and when editing an estimate)
  3. Create Credit memo (and when editing an unapplied credit memo)
  4. Create Refund

What's new:

  1. When you go to one of these forms, the "Clerk" field will always be in the upper right
  2. The "Clerk" field will now be pre-filled on forms with the current user's initials (so you don't have to remember to type them in)
  3. The "Clerk" field is now required so you know who created or edited an accounting item



  • Record Payment: When you are recording a payment and you select an invoice, the invoice amount will get filled in automatically in the "Amount to Apply" field, so you no longer have to copy and paste in a dollar amount, or type it in manually.
  • Geolocation: Behind the scenes we are working on updates to improve the geolocation of site addresses.
  • Tax Reports: We are making some updates behind the scenes that will allow us to provide more information for taxable transactions in reports in the future.
  • Subscription Statues: Soon you will know within the web app if your ServiceCore subscription needs attention so you don't have to rely on your email inbox or contacting support for this information.


  • Jobs Sidebar on Invoices: When creating or editing an invoice, the sidebar that contains jobs will now display only the jobs for the customer being invoiced, instead of showing all jobs for all customers.
  • Record Payment: When recording a payment from Accounting > Ready for Invoice > Jobs > Start Invoice, the page will no longer get stuck on a loading screen and the Record Payment form will appear after clicking the "Record Payment" button.

Coming Soon

  • New Login Look: If you access your ServiceCore account by logging in from servicecore.com, you'll notice that the website has a new look. You will still log in using the "Log In" button in the upper right corner of servicecore.com.
  • Billing Plan Tab: Soon you will be able to see which billing plan you are subscribed to in your account Settings section, and be able to manage the credit card for your subscription from within ServiceCore.
  • Credit Memo Improvements: We're working hard to make credit memos easy! Soon you will be able to search credit memos, apply credit memos in less clicks, and easily see which invoices were paid with credit memos. Please check out a side-by-side comparison of the upcoming changes in a new knowledge base article: Coming Soon: Credit Memo Improvements
  • Billing Improvements: We're also beginning to plan for additional billing improvements to allow you to accept payments for more than 80 invoices at once, accept overpayments, unapply and edit payments, and record security deposits (record a payment without an invoice).
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