We know how important it is for ServiceCore to provide transparency and reliability. That's why we have a dedicated ServiceCore status page that shows you current and historical uptime information, and it's accessible to everyone, all the time.
Here are a few terms that will help you read the ServiceCore status page:
- Operational: All systems go! This status means that the system is fully functional and operational.
- Incident: A problem with a specific feature that’s not working properly (e.g., background processes not working, or slow server response times). Incidents are posted to our status page so you can stay up-to-date with any system-related problems that may be affecting you.
- Outage: An issue that affects people connecting to ServiceCore.
- Scheduled Maintenance: We will let you know know ahead of time when ServiceCore is going to be unavailable due to maintenance.
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When you visit the status page, click on the Subscribe to Updates button. This will allow you to choose where and how you'll receive status updates. Options include email, slack, RSS and more.
After an issue
After we’ve resolved an issue, depending on its severity, we’ll publish a technical summary to the status page. The technical summary includes specific details about the issue, such as an overview of what happened, how customers were impacted, and how our internal systems were affected.