FAQs About Users

In this article are some frequently asked questions we receive about users in ServiceCore.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Users

  1. Do inactive users count as in schedule users?
  2. How do I see inactive users?
  3. How do I make sure inactive users are not in schedule?

Do inactive users count as in schedule users?

Yes, they can. You are able to have inactive users that are still marked as in schedule users. In this case, you will still be charged for this seat at your in schedule user price. To stop being charged for this seat, you will need to uncheck the in schedule box for this inactive user.

How do I see inactive users?

To see inactive users, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Users
  2. Click Filter By
  3. Click the Status dropdown
  4. Choose Inactive from the list of options
  5. Click Close

How do I make sure inactive users are not in schedule?

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Users
  2. Click Filter By
  3. Click the Status dropdown
  4. Choose Inactive from the list of options
  5. Locate the user
  6. Click the down arrow
  7. Click Edit User from the list of options that appear
  8. Scroll to the Preferences section
  9. Uncheck the Show user on schedule box
  10. Click Save
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