11/5/2020 Release - Deposit Detail Export, Deactivate and Reactivate Inventory Using the Mobile App, Customer Accounting Tabs and more

The following improvements will be available in ServiceCore on or after November 5, 2020. To see these new features you will need to do a hard refresh in your browser. Here's how to Get the Latest Version of ServiceCore.


Deposit Detail Report Export

You are now able to export a .CSV of the Deposit Detail Report. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Reports
  2. Click Deposit Detail
  3. Click Export to Excel
  4. You will see a green message appear across the top of the screen alerting you that the export will be sent to your email address
  5. Check you inbox for the export to arrive (the email will come from "ServiceCore" with a subject line of "Your Export is Ready: Deposit Detail")
  6. Click Download CSV File in the email
  7. Download and save the .CSV file to open in your data program of choice

Deactivate and Reactivate Inventory via the ServiceCore Mobile App

Starting as soon as tomorrow, you will be able to deactivate and reactivate inventory products and items using the ServiceCore Mobile app. If you don't have automatic updates enabled on your device, once your device sends you an alert or message that a new version of ServiceCore is available to download, you can take advantage of this new feature.

If you haven't done so already, download the ServiceCore Mobile App:

To access this feature you must have owner, admin, or manager level permission:

  1. Open the ServiceCore Mobile App on your device and login
  2. In the header, tap on the menu icon (three stacked lines, aka the hamburger icon) in the upper left corner of the screen
  3. In the menu that appears, tap Inventory
  4. Tap the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner
  5. Tap Download Inventory
  6. Tap Download Now in the pop-up that appears
  7. Wait while your inventory downloads
  8. Tap on an Itemized Product
  9. Navigate to the item you want to deactivate
  10. Tap on the item to view the item details page
  11. Tap the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner
  12. Tap Deactivate Item from the list of options that appear
  13. Tap Confirm Deactivation
  14. To reactivate an item, navigate to the item you want to deactivate
  15. Tap on the item to view the item details page
  16. Tap the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner
  17. Tap Activate Item from the list of options that appear
  18. Tap Confirm Reactivation
Item_Actions.png   Deactivate_Item.png   Reactivate_Success.png

Void Invoices

If you have to void an invoice, you will now have the option to enter in a reason voided. This information will be stored for internal use only on the invoice and will not be visible to your customer on the invoice PDF.



Customer Accounting Tabs

When you visit the Accounting tab for a customer, you will now see the same tabs as you do in the main Accounting section of the site.

Old New

Customer Accounting Tabs

  1. Estimates
  2. Invoices
  3. Payments
  4. Credit Memos
  5. Refunds


Customer Accounting Tabs

  1. Ready for Invoice
    1. Jobs
    2. Rentals
    3. Estimates
  2. Invoices
    1. Invoices
    2. Recurring
  3. Payments
  4. Credit Memos
  5. Refunds
Screen_Shot_2020-11-05_at_2.21.34_PM.png Screen_Shot_2020-11-05_at_2.24.01_PM.png



The order of Users and Destinations on the schedule have been update to display in alphabetical order. This means that John A will appear before John B on the week, day, and list view of the schedule. For destinations on the week and day view, the Apple WTP will appear first in the list before the Bananas Transfer Station.


Record Payment

If your account is setup to process payments through Card Connect or Authorize.net, when you land on the Record Payment screen, the "Process Credit Card" box will be checked by default. This way, you won't forget to process the payment if you're on the phone with a customer and are entering in their credit card information. To record the payment without process it through CardConnect or Authorize.net, simply uncheck the box.


Note: If you would like to start accepting online payments through ServiceCore, get started today with CardConnect!

Other improvements include:

  • New Customer Onboarding: We've made some improvements behind the scenes to make it easier for new ServiceCore customers to onboard with custom invoice transaction numbers.
  • Reports: The column titles on the Gross Sales Report and the Tax Code Summary Report have been updated for consistency.


  • Rental Rates: An issue has been resolved where the rental rates popup might not appear when a service has previously been unassigned from the product associated to the rental.

Coming Soon

Please find our coming soon information at its new home: Coming Soon: New Features and Improvements.


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