Complete Step-by-Step In-App Training Series

In-app training is always available for users of the ServiceCore website app. Our guided walk throughs show you step-by-step, click-by-click how to complete the most common tasks in ServiceCore. The help menu also offers onboarding tasks, and provides links to our knowledge base articles, support center, and more. Access your help options at any time by clicking the question mark icon in the lower left corner of your screen.


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In this document you will get a complete list of in-app training walk throughs, in recommended order.

Before You Start

Here are a few things to keep in mind before you take advantage of the in-app walk throughs in ServiceCore:

  1. You will need to login to your ServiceCore account before starting these walk throughs
  2. Different areas of ServiceCore show and hide depending on permission level
  3. Some walk throughs are only available to users with Manager, Admin, or Owner permission levels
  4. You will need to disable any ad blocker or pop-up blockers in your browser in order to see the help menu and complete the walk throughs
  5. Some walk throughs might not apply to your account, for example, if you aren't a company that manages inventory, you can skip the walk throughs related to rentals
  6. If you are using ServiceCore on a mobile device, the walk throughs will not appear in the help menu
  7. If you notice any walk throughs are broken, or you have any feedback about your experience, feel free to send comments and questions to
  8. Access these walk throughs, and other help resources anytime by clicking on the (?) icon in the lower left corner of your screen

In-App Training Series

Complete the walk throughs below in order, and set yourself up to become a ServiceCore power user in no time:

  1. AddCompany Information and Users
    1. Edit Company Information
    2. Add Users
  2. Configure Accounting Settings
    1. Add Divisions
    2. Add Default Messages
    3. Add Accounts to Chart of Accounts
    4. Add Services and Surcharges
    5. Add Classes
    6. Add Payment Terms
    7. Add Tax Codes
    8. Accept Credit Card Payments
  3. Configure Jobs and Inventory
    1. Add Inventory
    2. Assign Services to Inventory to Show Rental Rates
    3. Add Custom Job Types
    4. Add Custom Site Types
    5. Add Custom System Types
  4. Create Customers,Jobs and Rentals
    1. Add Customer
    2. Add Customer Card
    3. Add New Site
    4. Add System
    5. Create Job
    6. Create Rental
    7. Add Rental Rates
    8. End a Rental
  5. Tour the Schedule and Add Routes
    1. Take a Schedule Tour
    2. Learn About Schedule Icons
    3. Search, Sort, and Filter
    4. Add Frequent Destinations
    5. Add Territories
    6. Add Route
    7. End Repeat Job
  6. Create Invoices and Record Payments
    1. About the Ready for Invoice Tab
    2. Create Invoice
    3. Create Recurring Invoice
    4. Create Credit Memo
    5. Record Payment
    6. Create Refund
    7. Send Statements in Bulk
    8. Use Batch Billing

In-App Training Videos

For videos of some of the training topics above, you can also check out In-App Training Videos.

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