The items mentioned below will be available on or after September 2, 2021. To see these new features you will need to do a hard refresh in your browser. Here's how to Get the Latest Version of ServiceCore.
- Record Payment: An issue has been resolved where you may have received an error when attempting to pay off two or more invoices with a single payment.
- Pick-Up Rental Jobs: An issue has been resolved where you were unable to re-create a second pick-up job for the same inventory items.
Pre-Release Program
ServiceCore's pre-release program provides you a direct line to members of our Product Team before new features go live in ServiceCore. If you join our research group, you'll be invited to interviews, usability studies, surveys and more. The input you provide is important to the product team and your feedback is central to improving ServiceCore on the web and mobile app.
Every study is different, and each session is no pressure and requires minimal time commitment. If you're interested, please tell us a little more about yourself by filling out this quick questionnaire: ServiceCore Research Group.
Coming Soon
Please find our coming soon information at its new home: Coming Soon: New Features and Improvements.