Depending on how much detail you want to provide customers on statements, ServiceCore offers two options for the type and style of statements you can send:
In this article you'll learn about the differences between the two types.
Before You Start
Here are some things to know before you send statements:
- You will need Manager, Admin or Owner level permission to send statements
- Statements can include invoices that are unpaid, overdue, paid, or void
- Each statement includes a mini-aging report section at the bottom of the PDF showing Current, 1-30 Day, 31-60 Day, 61-90 Day, > 90 Day and Total Due balances for the customer
- If you prefer to send statements in bulk, follow these steps: Send Statements in Bulk by Print or Email
- If you prefer to send individual statements, follow these steps: Send Statements to Individual Customers by Print or Email
About Summary Statements
Summary type statements include:
- Separate rows for each individual invoice
- Information about each invoice including:
- Invoice Date
- Invoice Number
- Due Date
- PO Number
- Rental Number
- Pay Online ID (if you accept online payments)
- Total
- Payments
- Balance
- Each set of invoices is grouped by site location
- A total section that calculates the total, payments and balance due for all invoices on the statement
- A tear off portion at the bottom that can be submitted along with payment
- A Pay Online ID that your customers can use to submit a single payment to pay some or all pay online enabled invoices using this new feature: Account Balance Payments
Here's an example summary statement (click each image to view larger):
About Detail Statements
Detail type statements include:
- The same information as the summary statement
- Your choice of what invoices to include on the statement
- Plus...All line items for each invoice included in the statement
This document allows you to collect together invoices and their individual line items, across multiple locations into one document. The benefits of this document include:
- You can continue to invoice each rental or location separately
- The statement line items will match the invoice line items exactly
- The information on the statement is broken out as it would appear if your customer ever asked for a specific location invoice to be sent to them
- You customers can submit a single payment to pay some or all pay online enabled invoices using this new feature: Account Balance Payments
Here's an example detail statement (click each image to view larger):