Before getting started with creating rentals for your customers, you will need to add products you can rent out! ServiceCore offers two type of Products you can set up: non-itemized & itemized products.
In this article, we'll walk through the steps to create a non-itemized product. Non-itemized products will let you set up a product with "bulk" quantity.
Before You Start
Here are some things to know before you begin this process:
- You will need Manager, Admin or Owner level permission in order to add or edit inventory
- Inventory Product names must be unique.
- You can add non-itemized products from both the ServiceCore Web and Mobile apps
- Non-itemized Inventory does not require serial numbers.
- Non-itemized inventory will not work with barcodes or QR codes
- Non-itemized inventory cannot be individually geolocated and will use the customer's site address instead.
How to Add Non-Itemized Products
Tell Me How
Follow these steps to add a non-itemized product:
- Navigate to the Settings page
- Click on the Inventory tab
- Click "Add Product"
- Fill out the New Product form
A. Name - Believe it or not, your product is required to have a name!
B. Brand - Optional field to enter in the brand of your product.
C. Size - Optional field to enter in the size of your product.
D. Category - Optional field to categorize your product.
E. Quantity - How many of this product do you have? Chances are you got ServiceCore to figure this out!
F. Description - Optional field to describe your product. For internal usage only!
5. Click Save
Now your product is ready to rent out!