Create a Non-Itemized Product

Before getting started with creating rentals for your customers, you will need to add products you can rent out! ServiceCore offers two type of Products you can set up: non-itemized & itemized products.

In this article, we'll walk through the steps to create a non-itemized product. Non-itemized products will let you set up a product with "bulk" quantity. 

Before You Start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process:

  • You will need Manager, Admin or Owner level permission in order to add or edit inventory
  • Inventory Product names must be unique.
  • You can add non-itemized products from both the ServiceCore Web and Mobile apps
  • Non-itemized Inventory does not require serial numbers.
  • Non-itemized inventory will not work with barcodes or QR codes
  • Non-itemized inventory cannot be individually geolocated and will use the customer's site address instead.

How to Add Non-Itemized Products

Tell Me How

Follow these steps to add a non-itemized product:

  1. Navigate to the Settings pagemceclip0.png
  2. Click on the Inventory tabmceclip0.png
  3. Click "Add Product"mceclip1.png
  4. Fill out the New Product formmceclip2.png

A. Name - Believe it or not, your product is required to have a name!

B. Brand - Optional field to enter in the brand of your product.

C. Size - Optional field to enter in the size of your product.

D. Category - Optional field to categorize your product.

E. Quantity - How many of this product do you have? Chances are you got ServiceCore to figure this out!

F. Description - Optional field to describe your product. For internal usage only!

5. Click Save

Now your product is ready to rent out!

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