Upload Your Company Logo

If you want to make emails and documents that you send your customers through ServiceCore appear more on brand, you can add a company logo.

In this article, you'll learn how to upload your company logo to your ServiceCore account.

Before You Start

Here are a few things to know before you begin this process:

Upload Your Company Logo

To upload your company logo, follow these steps:

  1. In the header of ServiceCore, click on your username
  2. In the list of options that appear, click Settings

  3. Navigate to the Company tab
  4. Navigate to the Information tabmceclip0.png
  5. Click Upload Logomceclip0.png
  6. Select your desired file and hit "Open"mceclip1.png
  7. Now your logo will be visible on the Company Information tab.mceclip2.png

After you upload your company logo

Once you're logo has been uploaded to your ServiceCore account, you'll want to test it out to make sure it looks good on our formats. 

A good way to test it is to create a sample estimate and email it to yourself. This will give you the PDF copy of the estimate along with an example email that displays your company logo.

This is a sample of how your company logo will appear on emails:mceclip3.png

This is a sample of your how your company logo will appear on accounting PDFs:mceclip4.png

If you don't like the way your company logo looks

That's okay! You can go back and delete the logo that you uploaded.


Once you've deleted the logo, you can restart the steps listed in this article to upload a new logo.

If you're not happy with how any of them look, then it might be time to get a new company logo image. 



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