About the Ready for Invoice Tab

The Accounting section of ServiceCore includes a Ready for Invoice tab. Within this tab are a set of secondary tabs for jobs, rentals and estimates that are ready to be invoiced.

In this article, you'll learn about the three secondary tabs/sections within the Ready for Invoice tab.

Before You Start

Here are some things to know before using the Ready for Invoice tab:

  • You will need Manager, Admin or Owner level permission to view or edit the Accounting section of ServiceCore
  • You will need Admin or Owner level permission to delete anything in the Accounting section
  • Navigate to Accounting to view the Ready for Invoice tab

About the Jobs Tab

The first tab you will see in the Ready for Invoice tab is the Jobs tab.

A few things to know about this tab:

  • This tab includes a list of all jobs that are done (complete, partial service, unable to service) and don't yet have an invoice linked to the job
  • Jobs that are scheduled or in progress will not display in this list
  • Use the Sort by option above the list of jobs to change the order in which jobs appear
  • If you cannot locate the job you want to invoice, try using the Global Search to find the job

Start Invoice

To start an invoice for a job, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Ready for Invoice tab
  2. Click the Jobs tab
  3. Find the job you want to start the invoice for
  4. Click Start Invoice

Additional Options

  • To view Job details, click on the Job number
  • To view customer details, click the Customer name
  • To view additional options for a Job, click the down arrow to the right of Start Invoice

About the Rentals Tab

The second tab you will see in the Ready for Invoice tab is the Rentals tab.

A few things to know about this tab:

  • This tab includes a list of all Rentals that do not yet have an invoice created

Narrow your list

To narrow the list of rentals, use the sort, filter and search options above the table

  • Use the Sort by options above the list of rentals to change the order in which rentals appear
  • Use the Filter by options above the table to narrow down the list of rentals
  • Use the Search box to search by rental number, customer name, address and city
  • If you cannot locate the rental you want to invoice, try using the Global Search

Create Invoice

To create an invoice for a rental, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Ready for Invoice tab
  2. Click the Rentals tab
  3. Find the rental you want to create the invoice for
  4. Click Create Invoice

Additional Options

  • To view rental details, click the Rental number
  • To view site details, click the Site Address
  • To quickly end a rental by scheduling a pickup, click Schedule Pickup
  • To view additional Rental options, click the down arrow to the right of Create Invoice

About the Estimates Tab

The third tab you will see in the Ready for Invoice tab is the Estimates tab.

A few things to know about this tab:

  • This tab includes a list of all Estimates that are ready for invoice
  • You cannot create or convert a job or rental from an estimate

Narrow your list

To narrow the list of estimates, use the sort, filter and date range options options above the table

  • Use the Sort by options above the list of rentals to change the order in which rentals appear
  • Use the Filter by options above the table to narrow down the list of rentals
  • Use the From and To date range fields to narrow the list by Estimate Date

Start Invoice

To start an invoice for an estimate, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Ready for Invoice tab
  2. Click the Estimates tab
  3. Find the estimate you want to start the invoice for
  4. Click Start Invoice

Additional Options

  • To view estimate details, click the Estimate number
  • To view additional Estimate options, click the down arrow to the right of Start Invoice

Export to Excel

The list of Estimates can easily be exported to excel as a .csv file by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Ready for Invoice tab
  2. Click the Estimates tab
  3. If you would like to narrow down the list of estimates to be exported, use the filter by and date range options above the table
  4. To export all estimates, do not use the filter by or date range options
  5. Once you are finished creating the list of estimates to export
  6. Click Export to Excel above the table
  7. Save the file to your computer, tablet or phone
  8. Navigate to the file in the location where you saved it
  9. Open the file on your computer, tablet or phone

After viewing the Ready for Invoice tab

Once you're finished viewing the ready for invoice tab, you may want to do the following:

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