Tired of having to type out the same message over and over again on the invoices and estimates you send through ServiceCore? Consider setting up default messages in your ServiceCore account.
Once default messages are set up, you'll see them appear each time you create a new invoice, estimate, or when setting up jobs in the case of Service Ticket Disclaimers.
Default messages can handle whatever you need them to say to your customers. Whether you're sending some heavy legalese terms and conditions or just a simple "thank you for your business," these default messages will save you loads of time!
In this article we'll walk through the steps to set up default messages for your Invoices, Estimates, and Service Tickets.
Before You Start
Here are a few things to know before you begin this process:
- You must have Admin or Owner level permission to add and edit default messages
- Default messages will be visible to your customers on their invoices and estimates
- Service ticket disclaimers will be visible on Service Ticket PDFs and on the ServiceCore Mobile App
- Service ticket disclaimers will enable the customer signature line on Service Ticket PDFs and on the ServiceCore Mobile App
How to Add Default Messages
To add default messages, follow these steps:
- In the header of ServiceCore, click on your username
- In the list of options that appear, click Settings
- Navigate to the Preferences tab
- Enter in an Invoice Default Message
- Enter in an Estimate Default Message
- Enter in a Service Ticket Disclaimer
- Scroll down to the bottom of the Preferences page
- Click Save