Add a Site

After creating customers in ServiceCore, you will want to start creating sites. Sites are the service locations that you will associate with jobs, rentals, inventory and invoices. Sites are also the physical locations where services are performed, and can be locations with or without a mailing address. As long as the site has latitude and longitude GPS coordinates, you can also use it for routing and route optimization.

In this article you'll learn how to add a site.

Before You Start

  • You will need Tech with Billing, Manager, Admin or Owner level permission to add sites.
  • Before creating a site, you must have at least one customer created that will be associated with that site
  • For steps on how to add a new customer, visit this help article: Add a Customer
  • Sites can be added via the ServiceCore web app (it is not possible to add sites via the ServiceCore Mobile App at this time).
  • If you give a site a name, each site must have a unique site name (no duplicates); if you don't give a site a name, the site number will be used in place of a name on service tickets, invoices, and jobs
  • Terms used on the page include:
    • Address: This is the site address used for display purposes that will appear on jobs, rentals, service tickets, emails and PDFs.
    • Location: The physical location of the site based on Latitude and longitude coordinates that are used for routing and directions.

How to Add A New Site

Show Me How

For step-by-step, in-app help adding a customer, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your ServiceCore account
  2. Then, click on this link: Add New Site

Tell me How

For step-by-step written instructions on how to add a site, follow these steps:

  1. First, Add a Customer or locate an existing customer by navigating to Customers
  2. Click the Customer Number or View Customer
  3. Click on the Sites tab
  4. Click Add New Site
  5. Choose the site Type
  6. Enter a Site Name (optional)
  7. If the site address is the same as the owner's billing address, check the box for Same as Owner Billing Address
  8. If the address is different than the owner's billing address, leave this box unchecked
  9. Enter in the address as you would like it to display on jobs, rentals, service tickets, emails and PDFs
  10. In the next section you'll learn how to set the sites location

Set the Site's Location

The location of the site is the physical location where jobs and services will be performed. The location is based on latitude and longitude coordinates for routing and directions. To set the site's location use one of these options:

Calculate Coordinates Automatically

To calculate coordinates from this address:

  1. Click Calculate Coordinates
  2. Wait for the Latitude and Longitude values to be filled in automatically
  3. Look at the red pin on the map to ensure the pin is in the correct location
  4. If the location pin needs adjustment, use the zoom controls to zoom into the area, and try using the satellite view to drag and drop the pin to the correct location
  5. Do not click Calculate Coordinates again once you are happy with the pin location
  6. Finish filling out the rest of the form
  7. Click Add New Site

Type In Latitude and Longitude Manually

Alternatively, if you know the latitude and longitude values and don't want ServiceCore to calculate these for you, follow these steps:

  1. Manually type in the Latitude and the Longitude values
  2. Look at the red pin on the map to ensure the pin is in the correct location
  3. If the location pin needs adjustment, use the zoom controls to zoom into the area, and try using the satellite view to drag and drop the pin to the correct location
  4. Do not click Calculate Coordinates again once you are happy with the pin location
  5. Finish filling out the rest of the form
  6. Click Add New Site

Use the In-Map Search Box

If the location does not have an address, for example for new construction or new housing developments, you can use the in-map search box to search for an address, intersection, city or state to use as a starting point by following these steps:

  1. Click into the in-map Search Box and start typing to find matching results
  2. Click on the best result in the list
  3. Look at the red pin on the map to ensure the pin is in the correct location
  4. If the location pin needs adjustment, use the zoom controls to zoom into the area, and try using the satellite view to drag and drop the pin to the correct location
  5. Do not click Calculate Coordinates again once you are happy with the pin location
  6. Finish filling out the rest of the form
  7. Click Add New Site

Next Steps

Next steps you might want to take include:

Frequently Asked Questions About Adding Sites

Here are some FAQs we receive about adding sites:

Do sites have to have postal addresses?

Not at all! We know that sometimes you do work in places that don't yet exist on any map, such as during new construction or when your job locations take you to the middle of nowhere. Use these steps to plot the site location when there isn't a mailbox anywhere close to your job site: Use the In-Map Search Box.

Why do I get different results from address auto-complete and in the in-map search box?

That's a great question! The address information provided from third-party mapping providers is not under the control of ServiceCore. Sometimes when you start typing into the address field in the "Address" section of the "Add New Site" form and get a matching address suggestion, the red pin will land in a different location than if you Use the In-Map Search Box.

Because of the potential for differences, it's important to always verify the pin is in the correct location by visually inspecting the pin location on the map and dragging and dropping the pin to the correct location.

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