View All Jobs for a Customer

In this article you'll learn how to search, sort, filter and view jobs for a customer, including jobs that were performed in the past, jobs currently in progress, and upcoming jobs. You'll also learn how to view repeat jobs for a customer.

Before You Start

In order to view jobs for a customer, you will need to first:

  1. Create a customer
  2. Add a site
  3. Add a system to a site (if this job services an on-site system)
  4. Create a rental with at least one job or create a job for this customer and site

Here are a few more things to keep in mind before viewing all jobs for a customer:

  • You must have Tech - Billing, Manager, Admin or Owner level permission to view a customer's jobs
  • Users with Technician level permission can only view jobs assigned to them on the the schedule and will not be able to view jobs unassigned jobs or jobs assigned to other technicians
  • The date range filter for jobs filters by Schedule Date and does not filter by completion date
  • By default, the list of jobs for a customer:
    • Are sorted in descending order by Job Number
    • Have all repeat jobs condensed into a single row per repeat job series
  • You will be able to see a maximum of 100 jobs at a time

How to View All Jobs for a Customer

Follow the steps below to search, sort, and filter all jobs for a customer:

  1. Navigate to Customers by clicking the customers tab in the headermceclip0.png
  2. In the search box, type in the customer's full or partial name, company name, first or last name, address, email address or phone                                     mceclip1.png
  3. Click the magnifying glass button to search
  4. Locate the customer you are looking for
  5. Click on the customer number or the View Customer button for that customermceclip2.png
  6. Click on the Jobs tab
  7. You will now see a list of jobs for that customer
  8. The list of jobs will be sorted in descending order by Job number and repeat jobs will be condensed together into one row

Filter By

Here are your options to filter the list of jobs:

Filter by site

To filter by site, follow these steps:

  1. Click into the Filter by site search box
  2. A list of sites for this customer will appear
  3. Click on a site
  4. The list of jobs will automatically be filtered to only show jobs for that site
  5. To clear the site filter and show jobs for all sites, click on the X in the Filter By search box

Filter by Date Range

To sort by the date the job was scheduled, follow these steps:

  1. Click into the From date field
  2. Choose a date using the date picker
  3. Click into the To date field
  4. Choose a date using the date picker
  5. To remove the date range filters, delete both the from and to dates

Other Filter By Options

To view additional filter options, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Filter by
  2. The list of additional filter by options will appear
  3. Use the Division option to filter the list of jobs to only show jobs associated to that division (if your account does not have Divisions enabled, you will not see this option)
  4. To filter by job status, click on the Status dropdown and choose one of the options from the list
  5. Use the Job type option to filter by job type
  6. Use the Scheduling type to filter by repeat jobs, one-time jobs, etc.
  7. Use the Technician option to filter the jobs to show jobs for one technician at a time
  8. Once you're finished selecting filters, click Close
  9. To view all repeat jobs on separate rows in the table, uncheck the box of Condense repeat jobs

Reset and Clear Filters

If you want to "start over" and reset and clear filters, do this:

  1. Click Filter by
  2. At the bottom of the filter by menu, click Reset

About Repeat Jobs

If you aren't seeing all the jobs you expect when you look at your list of jobs, it might be because repeat jobs are condensed together on the list. Here's what this looks like:

  With Repeat Jobs Condensed Without Repeat Jobs Condensed
How many jobs show in the list? 17 7616
Filter by Checkbox mceclip13.png mceclip12.png
Jobs table mceclip5.png mceclip4.png


View All Repeat Jobs in a Series

To view an entire repeat job series, follow these steps

  1. Click Filter by
  2. In the Scheduling type dropdown, choose Repeat
  3. Close
  4. Locate a repeat job and click on the link under the Repeat title, like this example:
  5. A lightbox popup will appear that shows all repeat jobs in that series
  6. Use the sort by and filter by options to narrow your list of results
  7. Once you're finished, click the X in the upper right corner

Sort By

To sort your list of jobs, follow these steps:

  1. By default, your list of jobs will be sorted in descending order by Job Number (highest to lowest)
  2. To sort in ascending order (lowest to highest) by Job Number, click the mceclip0.png icon
  3. To sort again in descending order (highest to lowest), click the mceclip1.png icon
  4. The icon will show what order you are sorting by (Z to A is descending, A to Z is ascending)
  5. To view other sort by options, click Job Number
  6. To sort by the date the job was scheduled for in the past, or the date the job is scheduled for in the future, click Schedule Date
  7. To change the order of jobs, click the Z to A icon or the Z to A icon
  8. To sort by the date the job was was completed, click Completion Date (this sort by option will be meaningful for jobs with a status of Done, Partial Service, Unable to Service, Canceled)
  9. Jobs without a completion date will be those jobs with a status of Unassigned, Scheduled and In Progress
  10. To change the order of jobs, click the Z to A icon or the Z to A icon
  11. To sort by the site address, click Site address
  12. To change the order of jobs, click the Z to A icon or the Z to A icon


To control how many results you see at one, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the table
  2. Click the button next to View
  3. Select a number from the list that appears
  4. To move between pages, click the previous and next arrows


Here are some frequently asked questions we receive about viewing jobs per customer:

How do I see a customer's jobs that are scheduled in the future?

Here's how:

  1. Use the From and To date range filter
  2. Enter today's date or any future date into the From field
  3. Enter an end date in the To field
  4. Click sort by Job Number
  5. Choose Schedule Date from the list of options
  6. To change the order of jobs, click the Z to A icon or the Z to A icon

How do I see repeat jobs scheduled for in the future?

  1. Click Filter by
  2. In the Scheduling type dropdown, choose Repeat
  3. Uncheck the box next to Condense Repeat Jobs
  4. Click Close
  5. Use the From and To date range filter
  6. Enter today's date or any future date into the From field
  7. Enter an end date in the To field
  8. Click sort by Job Number
  9. Choose Schedule Date from the list of options
  10. To change the order of jobs, click the Z to A icon or the Z to A icon


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