ServiceCore allows you to create custom job types to reflect your unique service offerings. Custom job types can be used if you provide rental services, manage inventory, or if you don't. If you perform installation, repair, maintenance, all of these services, or none of them, custom job types has you covered.
In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to set up different job types in your ServiceCore account.
Before You Start
Here are some things to know before you create job types:
- You will need Manager, Admin or Owner level permission to add a job type
- Every job type must have a unique name
- ServiceCore offers 3 default job types: Delivery, Pickup, or Service.
- There are two main kinds of jobs you can set up:
- Rental Jobs -- These types of jobs use inventory. Rental Jobs will take one of four actions depending on your selection: delivery, pickup, service, or exchange.
- Non-Rental Jobs -- These types of jobs do not use inventory products. These jobs generally fall into categories like: septic or grease pumping, repair, maintenance, customer owned unit service.
How to Add Rental Job Types
Follow these steps to add Rental Job Types:
- Navigate to the Settings page
- Click on Custom Fields Settings tab
- Click Add Job Type
- A lightbox appears
- Give your Job Type a Name (Must be unique)
- Select "Yes" under "Does this Job Use Inventory?"
- Select how the inventory will be used (Delivery, Pickup, Service, or Exchange)
- Add an Optional Unit of Measure (i.e. gallons pumped on Service jobs, tonnage on pickups or exchanges. This becomes a required field for your drivers upon job completion.)
- Add an expected Duration for this job type (i.e. the amount of time the job should take. this is extremely useful for route calculation purposes.)
- Click Add Job Type
How to Add Non-Rental Job Types
Follow these steps to add Non-Rental Job Types:
- Navigate to the Settings page
- Click on Custom Fields Settings tab
- Click Add Job Type
- A lightbox appears
- Give your Job Type a Name (Must be unique)
- Select "No" under "Does this Job Use Inventory?"
- Add an Optional Unit of Measure (i.e. gallons pumped for a septic or grease pumping job. This becomes a required field for your drivers upon job completion.)
- Add an expected Duration for this job type (i.e. the amount of time the job should take. this is extremely useful for route calculation purposes.)
- Click Add Job Type
After You Create New Job Types
Once these new job types are created, they will be available in different areas of ServiceCore depending on whether it is a Rental or Non-Rental job type.
Rental Job types will only be available when Creating New Rentals or when adding additional jobs to an existing rental as seen below.
Non-rental job types will be available when clicking on the plus (+) symbol and hitting to "Create Job."
Be sure to add as many Job types as needed. It will make using ServiceCore easier for your Order Takers, Dispatchers, and Drivers when they have clearly defined Job Types to select from and perform. Additionally, if you're trying to find out exactly how many of each type of job you do, using our Jobs Report you can filter out your jobs by type.
- For information on how to create a job, check out Create a Job
- For information on how to create a rental, please read Create a Rental or Create an Event Rental
- You can edit a custom job type anytime
- You can deactivate a custom job type anytime
- If you create a custom job type by mistake, you must deactivate the job type first before you can delete it