The purpose of this help article is to provide you with a glossary of the most common QuickBooks Desktop sync errors you might encounter when reviewing your error logs. Along with the error messages, we also provide a human-readable translation and instructions for how to solve the errors.
That being said, sometimes the error messages are a little confusing and hard to figure out what to do to fix them. We're here to help if you get stuck. Please submit a support request if you need assistance.
Before You Start
Here are some things to know about troubleshooting and fixing your sync errors:
- If your ServiceCore account is not enabled to sync with QuickBooks Desktop, this article doesn't apply to you
- QuickBooks Online users should go to this article instead: QuickBooks Online Glossary of Error Messages
- Please read over this article so you are familiar with how the sync works: About QuickBooks Desktop Sync
- The most common way to re-sync a failed item is to edit and re-save the item in ServiceCore
- You don't need to edit anything on the page
- Simply click Edit for the item and then click Save
- That's all it takes to trigger the item to re-sync
- If you have an item that is linked to multiple transactions in your account, for example, an invoice that is linked to 5 payments, to get everything to re-sync you will need to:
- Edit and re-save that invoice
- Then you will need to edit and re-save all the linked payments
- To sync your changes from ServiceCore to QuickBooks Desktop, you must manually click the Web Connector in QuickBooks Desktop
- Here are our recommendations about Sync Frequency
How Items are Linked in ServiceCore
For visual explanation of how items are linked together and sync to Quickbooks, below is a decision tree flow diagram to explain why when, for example, a payment doesn't sync, you must check the invoices, service line items, account names and more to find the root cause of the sync failure. A good way to think about this is that it's creates a "cascade" effect, like a waterfall, dominos or chain reaction. A failure in one thing far down the chain will cause the next link to fail, and then the next, and so on.
Click on the image to open it full size:
Glossary of Error Messages
Error Message / Translation | Steps to Solve | |
“ERROR:(3145) - The name "<customer-name>" of the list element is already in use” Sync direction: Bridge → QBD Item Causing Error: Customer. Translation: The customer name is already is use on the QBD file. |
Please double check in QBD file if any of these items could have the same name:
Once you have confirmed there is a record with the same name:
ERROR:(3165) - Object "[id]" specified in the request cannot be found. [optional:] QuickBooks error message: This feature is not enabled or not available in this version of QuickBooks. The portion marked "[optional:]" may or may not appear, and does not change the error or its possible resolutions. |
This error may occur either due to a missing invoice or due to an invoice paid in QuickBooks with a payment not in ServiceCore. If the invoice exists in QuickBooks:
If the invoice does not exist in QuickBooks:
ERROR:(3175) - There is an invalid reference to a parent "<customer-name>" in the Customers list. QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument. The specified record does not exist in the list. Sync direction: Bridge → QBD Entity: Customer Translation: This Site’s parent customer is not found during the sync. Generally indicating that there was a name change on the customer, which did not cascade. |
ERROR:(3185) - There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Customer "<customer-name>" in the ReceivePayment. QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument. The specified record does not exist in the list. Sync direction: Bridge → QBD Item Causing Error: Payment Translation: The customer this payment is for is not found during the sync. |
ERROR:(3220) - There was an error adding, modifying or deleting [id] because it is already in use. Quick Books error message: The transaction could not be locked This error means that the file record is opened by a user. |
Have all users close QuickBooks before starting a sync. |
ERROR:(3255) - The "AppliedToTxnAdd payment amount" field has an invalid value "[value]". QuickBooks error message: You cannot pay more than the amount due This message is reporting that the payment amount from ServiceCore would overpay the target invoice in QBD. |
This error may occur due either to a partial payment in your QBD that does not exist in ServiceCore, or due to slight differences in invoice total calculation between QBD and ServiceCore. To determine which:
If there are extra payments in QBD, that is likely causing the problem. To resolve the issue,
If there are not extra payments in QBD, the issue is likely a slight calculation difference between the two systems. In this case:
Income Account <Account Name> could not be found in ServiceCore. Sync direction: Bridge → SC Translation: The Entity being synced (usually a service) is reporting a relationship to an Account whose Full Name does not match any ServiceCore Account’s Full Name. |
This issue can be caused by the “Show lowest subaccount only” setting in QBD.
Site Must Have Parent Customer Sync direction: SC → Bridge Translation: The Site is missing a customer. |
Other errors not on the list above |
If you encounter an error that isn't listed above, please submit a support request to ServiceCore to assist you. |